Monday, March 2, 2009

8 chapters in and going strong. How?

Though I am no novelist, (not yet at least) I seem to have been able to keep any type of block from coming up. I just wanted in this short time that I have before my Hitory of Greece class starts to go over the two tools that I have been using to make sure the ideas keep coming.

1. Freewrite: as I mentioned in the blog before this one, everytime I sit down to write at length in my novel I always start the session out with a good bit of doodling. That is to say I write the first thing that pops in my head or some idea that has been nagging at me. This really seems to help get the juices flowing for when I start on my book.

2. Talk it out: there have been some points along the way where I had to ask myself "Okay... what happens now?" These often come up as I am writing. The best way that I have found to get past this is to start talking about it, either to myself or my patient wife. Hi Jen!! Talkint things out helps me get past the keyboard and the paper to the real story that I am trying to tell and not having to type everything I think helps to keep things going smoothly.

Alright I am off to class. Have fun writing.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I will follow along. I've always wanted to write a book. Have you heard of NaNoWriMo?
